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Planning Commission Minutes 03/25/2013
MARCH 25, 2013

PRESENT WERE:  Harold Thompson, Chris Kerr, Steven Ross, and Alternate Don Willis seated for Stephen Martino and Alternate Todd Machnik seated for Robert McCarthy.  Also present were Tom Metcalf and Ed Cassella.

Harold Thompson made a motion to revise the order of the agenda to do Items 3 and 4 prior to Item 1.
Chris Kerr seconded the motion.   The motion passed unanimously.

Appointment of Steven Ross to Lower CT. River Valley Regional Planning Commission

Harold Thompson noted that the commission has not had a representative from the Planning Commission for a long period of time.  He thanked Mr. Ross for volunteering to be the commission’s representative. Thompson also volunteered to be an alternate when Mr. Ross could not attend.

Harold Thompson made a motion to appoint Steve Ross as the representative for the Planning Commission to the Lower CT. River Valley Regional Planning Commission.  Chris Kerr seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  

Reading and Approval of the February Meeting Minutes

Steve Ross made a motion to waive the reading and approve the minutes as submitted.  Chris Kerr seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Discussion – Updating Design and Construction Standards and Subdivision Regulations

Tom Metcalf provided the commission with a revised document that he had reviewed and highlighted the sections that the commission needed to address for both consistencies as well as updating to current standards.  The commission went through the first 38 pages and made the necessary changes.  Attorney Ed Cassella will be inputting those changes as well as inserting some additional language and definitions.  Tom Metcalf agreed to continue to work on Section 70 pages 24 through 27 in an effort to make both the Design and Construction Standards and the Subdivision Regulations consistent with each other.  The commission will hold their next workshop on Thursday, April 11th at 5:00 p.m.

Steve Ross made a motion to adjourn.  Don Willis seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim Groves
Land Use Coordinator